
The CirOWa Cluster (Circle Of Waste Cluster) is a cluster of businesses involved in the waste chain generated by food production and processing units. The CirOWa Cluster is designed to cover the entire production chain of waste management and serve the goals of the circular economy. The operation of the Cluster is based on the following four pillars: 

Development of integrated systems for waste collection and management, with the application of traceability in the recycling chain. 

Monitoring and exchange of know-how regarding decontamination, anti-pollution, waste utilization (material recovery, energy, by-products, etc.), and the installation/operation of necessary equipment. 

Strengthening innovation in waste processing, biomass production, and environmental technologies. 

Provision of complementary support services to achieve the goals of the other three pillars. 

This research proposal represents the first coordinated effort by the members of the CirOWa Cluster to create value through their collaboration on actions related to applying circular economy principles to the real economy of our country. Specifically, it represents a comprehensive systemic approach to managing the residues and by-products of businesses involved in the food sector. 

Through close collaboration among the 10 project partners, processes related to by-product and waste management were modeled, and innovative systems were developed at a pilot level. These systems leverage information technologies, communications, and the Internet of Things for more rational and efficient management of waste or by-product upgrading processes (upcycle) and their reintegration into the economy in new forms or functions. 

The participating companies in the project are: 

  • E Koutsouraki and Co. LP
  • Ergoplanning Ltd.
  • Biosafety S.A.
  • OPTILOG Advisory Services IKE 
  • Ilyda SA
  • Bioenercon Ltd. - Epirus Energy
  • Argyri Kelidi Olive Mill SA
  • Envirometrics LLC
  • Mobics S.A. 

Specifically, Mobics S.A. contributed to the analysis of requirements for creating the Integrated By-Product and Waste Management System, the design and development of the MRP II system for by-product and waste management, and the pilot implementation of the system. 

For more information, please visit the project’s website:



Pleione IoE

The innovative project "Pleione: Pleiades Internet of Everything," acronym "Pleione IoE," aims to create a smart city platform that allows sensors, smart devices, and multiple other data sources and subsystems of the city to connect through a common infrastructure, where data is gathered, normalized, and analyzed.

Co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union (ERDF) and by National Resources through the Operational Programme "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPAnEK)" of NSRF 2014-2020 under the "Collaborative Innovation Formations (CIF)" call (project code: ΓΓ2CL-0364874).

Specifically, the platform implements a unified management framework with combined city data models, as well as standardized application programming interfaces (APIs), ensuring easy data extraction and integration, while also incorporating the necessary semantics of city services and allowing providers of vertical solutions to develop new "smart" horizontal or vertical urban service applications.

Following this architecture, an information management layer is implemented that originates from multiple sources (Legacy systems, Internet of Things (IoT), web applications, open data, data providers), providing a complete representation of the city's status, while simultaneously eliminating vertical data and application silos. The horizontal platform will operate as a standalone tool for creating, developing, and managing smart cities. It will be a plug-and-play solution for organizations such as municipalities, regions, and government agencies that want to develop smart cities.

It is an innovative intervention that includes the following features: 

  • Creating a horizontal view of the city - in real-time. 
  • Decision-making based on "smart data." 
  • Creating a new "intelligent" service in a short period. 
  • Allow private entities and citizens to use city data in order to strengthen local communities and the economy. \
  • The platform will support the publication of "smart" data to private entities and citizens. 
  • The platform will be built with "open-source" technologies, enabling our country to adopt an "open" smart city strategy, which acts as a catalyst for promoting collaboration and innovation. 

Mobics participates in the development of the vertical Smart and Green Museum solution along with partners ZARIFOPOULOS S.A., C2H Ltd., and the Benaki Museum as a user.




Nowadays, special attention is paid in the tourism industry (accommodation, restaurants, activities etc.), to improve the visitor's experience. In particular, gastronomy plays a very important role not only in the visitor’s experience but also in the very first decision for a destination. According to international trends, restaurants need to personalize their services, menus and offers. Such personalization enhances customer experience and gives a sense of exclusivity. Some of the challenges that we address in the proposed project are: a) How to achieve perfect balance between user experience (end customer) and business profitability

through multi-objective optimization techniques; b) How to achieve a quick client segmentation and classification and c) How to achieve accurate menu engineering through a digital menu? The main objectives of the project are to create two reliable and intelligent tools for catering businesses: a) a credible intelligent decision support system to increase their profitability; and b) a "virtual waiter" who will be able to "understand" what to offer to each customer so that he can serve him better and at the same time increase the company's profits. These will be implemented to a large extent with machine learning technologies and techniques and knowledge extraction  from data streams. They can be integrated into existing online ordering platforms, POS systems or digital menu applications through well-defined interfaces. The project will also evaluate the effectiveness of the developed methods with real users. The project will be implemented by two small enterprises that have already collaborated in the commercial launch of a digital menu and online ordering platform. 

The project is co‐financed by the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE (project code:Τ2EDK-01847).

Silver Guide

Demographic developments and ageing of the population in Europe and worldwide affect all economic and social sectors. The 65+ population in Europe is expected to comprise 30% of today’s population in 2060 (160 million people). International research also indicates that senior tourists will amount to 24% of the world market in 2030 and will be a significant factor for tourism development. However, Tourism Industry has not yet included the specific social group in its strategic planning, in a systematic and organized way. The qualitative characteristics and particularities of seniors have not been adequately studied, while new technologies are focused almost exclusively on younger audiences. As a result, tourism enterprises are incapable of responding to the demands and needs of a dynamic segment of experienced and conscious tourists, who have the financial means, the time availability and desire to live a quality, safe, pleasant and complete travel experience. The proposal responds to the demand of the tourism market, which nowadays seeks solutions for the development and offer of new services, focused on the dynamic and ever increasing audience of the elderly.

The subject of the project is the development of an innovative technological platform, which will serve as a dynamic and user-friendly tool for the support of the tourism market, tourism industry entities, Regional and Local Authorities and individual users, aiming to provide:

• solutions for the development and offer of new services, focused on the dynamic and exponentially growing segment of seniors

• the possibility to extend tourist season

• the possibility to record and promote certified infrastructure and services, which will be continuously evaluated by users

• enhancement of the participatory processes and support to the competent authorities in order to take measures and establish criteria for the accreditation of infrastructure and services to seniors.

The development of the platform will be based on thorough social research in Greece and abroad, in order to determine the real needs and demands of the specific social group and successfully respond to them. The innovation of the product lies in its functionality and user-friendliness, its guaranteed usability and holistic approach to the subject, given that it is a comprehensive operating system with scientifically documented content, which is currently unavailable both in the Greek and international market. The project will be jointly implemented by: the Non-Profit Civil Partnership (NPCP) “50plus Hellas”, which has launched significant actions in scientific research for the improvement of seniors’ living conditions, as well as in their education and active involvement (, MOBICS SA (, spin-off of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), which specializes in the design, development and provision of innovative IT solutions, with an emphasis on interactive applications for the elderly, and TETRAGON SA (, a Creative Industry company with long experience and vast innovative activity in the fields of Tourism and Culture, and thorough research in improving the living conditions of vulnerable social groups. Experience, expertise and complementarity of the partners’ actions guarantee the successful implementation of the research project and its outcomes.

The project is co‐financed by the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE (project code:Τ2EDK-01798).




VirTourARt has been successfully completed, providing an innovative platform for developing interactive virtual and augmented reality applications. This platform enhances tourism events, museums, cultural heritage sites, art exhibitions, and cultural activities by offering installations and applications that improve visitor engagement and experience.

Through VirTourArt, users can enjoy an upgraded, value-added tour while also having the option of remote interaction with spaces and events, serving as a complementary access channel.

The project was developed by the Investment Partnership Scheme of Mobics Telecommunication and Consulting Services and, Centre For Research and Technology Hellas – Information Technologies Institute, which now offers a comprehensive product and accompanying services. The platform enables tourism and cultural organizations to integrate various types of interactive Virtual and Augmented Reality applications at a lower cost and in less time, significantly enriching the visitor experience and enhancing their tourism and cultural offerings.

The project is co‐funded by the European Union and Greek national funds, (project code: 5136531/ΚΜΡ6-0268146).






MOBICS participates in the FIspace project with the task of implementing two applications for the Greenhouse Management Trial: the Crop Monitoring App and the Crop Analyzer App.
Crop Monitoring App is a mobile application with an intuitive user interface that will enable remote diagnosis of crop growing problems. The app will include features such as the following: greenhouse calendar, optimal photo shooting, information extraction from the photos, integration with other digital tools (i.e., microscopes) and guides for appropriate pesticide selection and successful disease management.
Crop Analyser App refers to a crop manager and analyser tool that enables remote diagnosis of crop diseases and analysis of other growing issues (e.g. pesticide spraying), communication between the interested parties and several decision support tools. Some advanced features are pattern recognition based on computer vision methods, retrieval of similar cases with reasoning techniques and a knowledge base that allows for multi-faceted search.
These applications will be fully integrated and also integrated with the core FIspace infrastructure. They will be evaluated during lab and field trials in terms of usability and greenhouse process improvements.
To learn more about FIspace visit the project site:

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 604123




The goal of the GINSEC project is to build a pre-commercial prototype of a low-cost, accurate and reliable navigation system for professional drone market. Consumer-type navigation systems work quite well in general use despite the many practical problems that still affect them. Most noticeable in vehicle navigation are the slow time to first fix (up to a few minutes), poor or no availability (outages in tunnels or dense cities), slow dynamics and poor accuracy (enough to occasionally miss an exit) and lack of a heading indication. If these problems can be annoying to an occasional user, they may be critical to professional ones, especially if operating under emergency conditions (ambulance services, fire brigades). GINSEC aims at developing a navigation system that should solve these problems with various sensor configuration and fusion approaches:

  • Redundant low-cost inertial units to improve dynamics and availability of navigation, possibly using a tightly coupled approach.
  • Antenna arrays, to obtain heading estimation and beamforming to attenuate multi-path and interferers.
  • Map-assisted navigation: map database is actively used in the navigation filter to improve accuracy over traditional (e.g. stay on road) approaches.

The GINSEC consortium consists of SMEs and RTD performers that are active in the GNSS/INS market. RTDs will mainly study and develop the data fusion algorithms for navigation, while the SMEs will develop, manufacture and test the prototype navigation system. The challenge is to implement and integrate all above technologies in the frame of limited size, weight and cost imposed by the drone market requirements. Through their collaboration, the partners aim to develop a navigation solution directly exploitable on various kinds of drones.

Project partners: ECLEXYS, SaphyrionLaser NavigationConsorci Institut De GeomaticaBrightcom SolutionsIstituto Nazionale Di Astrofisica

More info:


The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 606644



Cultural and nature tourism is a vital economic sector that contributes significantly to the country's gross domestic product. In order for Greece to increase the value of its tourism product against its competitors, not only infrastructure marketing and e-commerce services should be improved, but also novel advanced and unique information services have to be deployed. Despite the wealth of cultural sites and attractions in Greece, many of them are still unknown and unexploited. The Thrace region is an obvious example, where visiting unattended cultural or natural beauty sites where no information is available is a common situation.

To this end, we propose the development of iGuide, a system that aims at enabling a socially enriched mobile tourist guide service that will be accessible from smartphones. iGuide will address a much wider range of sites and attractions than existing solutions cover. iGuide's major targets for exploitation are historic and traditional settlements, sites of natural beauty or unattended sites where access to information is unavailable or not directly provided. The proposed service will allow the casual visitor to obtain information and guidance on site. In addition, active users can personally contribute to the content enrichment of the visiting places by uploading user-generated media (images, audio, videos, etc.) along with their personalized content about the acquired experience (comments, ratings, etc.).

At the same time, users will be able to receive supplementary added value location-based services and recommendations to enhance their visiting experience and facilitate their wandering in places of interest and their direct interaction with local provisions. To enable such a service and in order to improve the visitor's experience, iGuide targets in providing text-to-speech (narration) functionalities, rich multimedia content including real-time 3D graphics and a supporting back-end Web 2.0 informational portal. 

Project partners: Athena Research and Innovation CenterΑthens Ιnformation TechnologyVodafoneΙnnoeticsRiverlandThe region of eastern Macedonia and Thrace.

The project is co-funded by:




The full project title is "Ship' s Health Condition, Operational Status and Performance Remote Monitoring based on wireless sensor network and technical experience management system". The main goal of the project is to develop a smart wireless sensor network platform that can be used to monitor the status of a ship on a 24/7 basis, to apply condition based maintenance models and services to a maritime company, and to allow a maritime company to operate in an environment friendly way. Condition Monitoring (CM) creates a mechanism for objective feedback on the quality of any work which has been carried out. Focusing only on what needs to be maintained helps create minimal disruption to operations and fewer unnecessary tasks, in turn delivering a more effective maintenance process, improved reliability and business value. The potential benefits of using CM within a condition-based maintenance culture include: improved safety and reliability, optimized scheduling and maintenance costs, fewer unnecessary spares, strips downs and maintenance-induced failures, reduced uninsured risk. The platform to be developed will combine hardware and software that will allow a smart and easy way of monitoring of critical ship parameters in order to evaluate their operational status and their efficiency. The adaptability to any type of vessel, the easy expansion, the distributed intelligence, the high ROI and the low installation cost and time are the basic advantages that make our approach unique to the global market. The objectives of the project include the following:

  • Development of new optical sensors for measuring critical parameters for monitoring the efficiency of the ship, such as fuel type indicators, exhaust analyzers and torque meters.
  • Design of a wireless sensor network based on new intelligent multi-sensing devices and fully adapted to the ships’ environment.
  • Development of a sophisticated experience management system for handling the collected data and automated diagnosis and prognosis software tools.

Project partners: Prisma ElectronicsKavala Institute of Technology, dept. of ElectronicsCE.RE.TE.TH, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Institute of Communications and Computer SystemsCTI Diophantus, Danaos Management ConsultantsANEK.

The project is co-funded by:




End2Fire (End-to-end cost effective fire detection and protection system) is a platform for end-to-end fire protection, covering optimal (cost effective) deployment of cameras, detection component, localization algorithms, intelligent C&C functionalities (DSS) and conclusion drawing com-ponent. Hence, the end users that may be civil protection services, public authorities (e.g., smart city authorities) or large private industrial infrastructures can setup a low cost and fully functional solution for handling fire incidents in urban or rural spaces. The two axes of commercial innovation are: quality (early warning, accurate response, debriefing capability) and cost-effectiveness (open software, commodity hardware for detection, minimal deployment requirements). Both collaborating partners, Mobics and ClearCut (C4) have already developed parts of such platform (such as basic C&C functionality and camera-based fire detection) but some new components require joint effort and the aggregated know-how in order to be successfully implemented. Such components will enhance the existing solutions of the partners in new ways and will also lead to a new product, that no individual partner could deliver by itself. Other more generic C&C systems, are either not optimized for the fire risk, or are too expensive to deploy and operate. In the joint R&D tasks, Mobics will provide expertise just in knowledge technologies (ontologies and rules), while the Israeli company C4 in domain modeling, GIS and operations algorithms.

The project is co-funded by:




The project involves the development of a stochastic soft-sensor model to predict the performance of a complete industrial wastewater treatment plant, using easily measurable parameters (eg temperature T, pH, biogas production) that can be made by operators in period of a few hours, using the time series of the above data stored in the SCADA of the unit and training the system with the method of machine learning (machine learning).

In addition, the main goal is to develop an algorithm based on evolutionary calculation to optimize the operational parameters of industrial wastewater treatment plants, such as hydraulic supplies, loads, etc.

The novelty of this project is that it will try for the first time to take advantage of the very large amount of data provided by modern SCADA systems and the new generation sensors, to be used for modeling and therefore accurate forecasting of system behavior. Based on the above, the prevention of a) failure of these units and b) environmental accidents, becomes vital, while at the same time ensuring the operation within the predetermined environmental limits and energy recovery targets.

In summary, the objectives of the project are the following:

  1. Application of computational intelligence methods for modeling and evaluation in applications related to the processes applied in the treatment of liquid waste (mainly anaerobic waste treatment)
  2. Optimize forecasting software after real-time application on an industrial scale unit.
  3. In-depth control of the system and construction of a commercial package to provide a complete solution to companies and users involved in the treatment and energy utilization of liquid industrial and agro-industrial waste



The project aims to use the knowledge and the results of a multiannual research activity of the leading members of the project’s development team for the implementation and provision of a comprehensive fire protection system for the effective protection of the environment and human life and property from fires. The deliverable system, named after the mythical hero Meleager, will incorporate a unique combination of innovative techniques, and information and communication technologies to implement a competitive product at international level.

Visit the project website

Download the project executive summary

Download the project leaflet

The project is co-funded by:



MITOS - SmartSantander

MITOS is an experimental research project under the umbrella of SmartSantander trying to deliver novel Intelligent Transportation Services (ITS) to smart city citizens and capture the perceived user experience. The fact that IoT (Internet of Things) infrastructure is available, provides new ways of quantifying the effect that ITS may have on the daily transportation of the commuters and the environment. 

The MITOS platform provides an integrated multi-modal transportation guide which will allow Santander citizens and visitors to optimally choose their trips and get accurate information and guidance before and during their trip. The guide will be available through mobile devices but also from the MITOS Geo-information portal. Additionally, MITOS uses gamification techniques in order to drive adoption and to reward user participation.

MITOS users will be able to access the following services:

  • Interactive maps featuring live transit information and points of interest
  • Transit line and point of interest search
  • A real-time public transportation routing guide
  • Finding the precise time the next bus will pass
  • A parking spot monitoring and prediction service

 More info:


The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) 





Busfinder is a system initially designed for the city of Athens, Greece, but it is applicable to any other city. Its goal is to provide a useful tool to commuters for calculating optimal routes and guiding them through a mobile application. Busfinder can be interfaced with any fleet management system that monitors the current position of buses and other public transport media. More information (in Greek) can be found at

Download the project leaflet (in Greek)

Project partners: Space HELLASAmco Advanced TechnologiesUniversity of Piraeus Research Centre

The project is co-funded by:


The outcome of the project is a location- and context-aware service for assisting consumers during their shopping time. The service uses a mobile web interface that accepts user requests through menu-driven, free text, and natural language. A semantic representation of both the user requests and the items offered for sale through the system facilitates efficient semantic searching and matching. The service was successfully evaluated in the city center of Athens.

You can visit the project's website here:

Project Partners: Link Technologies, Fonella, NovasysNeos SistemiValtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus, CSEMFraunhofer Institute for Open Communication SystemsThe Athens Development and Destination Management Agency.


The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) 




Grabel has succeeded in designing a reconfigurable antenna and antenna arrays based on GNSS requirements with beamforming functionality, holding strong promise for mass market GPS receivers. After considerable testing, viable applications and demonstrations have been implemented. One of them is accurate and reliable outdoor-indoor location-aware services.

You can visit the project's website here:

Project partners: ECLEXYS, CSEMSaphyrion, Istituto di Radioastornomia - INAF / Radiotelescopio di Medicina, POLE STAR, Space HELLAS.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)